Christmas Tree Reveal

It’s finally time! Sonny and I got the time to go ahead and decorate our Christmas tree for the season. Unlike in years past, I wanted to go for a minimal and natural look to the tree.
This is our only tree, and since Zack / Sonny don’t really care how it looks I obviously went with a more decorative one ! In future years we may decide to get a second more “personal” tree with varying ornaments – but for now, this one fits us just right!
Our tree is from Lowes – it is a Manchester Slim 7.5ft LED pre-lit. We love our tree for a number of reasons.
- Quality is good and branches look full and real so that you don’t see the faux center
- 7.5ft is just enough to almost reach our ceilings but enough room to add a topper
- Slim is key for us. We don’t have very large rooms and in trying regular size trees it felt like they were overwhelming the room.
- Pre-lit is a must!! Literally takes 3 pieces/ steps to put together and turn on with a button. No hassle whatsoever. And it comes with replacement bulbs should any eventually go out.
First I started by fluffing the branches – I always like to fluff them by pulling the pine branches left, right AND both up and down. That way it covers the view to the faux center of the tree.
I decided to try something a little out of the ordinary this year with the garland. Instead of the standard wooden beads, I used a white floral garland to see how that would look and loved the lightness it brought to the tree.
For ornaments, again for simplicity I decided to stick to one that was natural and handmade. I used pine cones and tied ivory ribbon into a bow on top of each.
And finally for the tree topper, I grabbed this one from Target.
Also wanted to share the link to our woven tree skirt !