2023 Home Project List

Goals are a funny thing. It is always great to reach for the stars and have something to work towards, but sometimes it puts a little undue pressure on you to achieve them even if your circumstances aren’t conducive to it.
That’s essentially what happened to me last year. When I wrote this 2022 Goals & Project List blog post, it was before I found out I was pregnant with Rome. It’s actually pretty funny looking at that list because it all blew up soon after we found out, and my priorities changed. Although nothing on this list was done, we DID finish so many other projects in our home. We turned our guest suite into a toddler bedroom for Saylor. We flipped Saylor’s nursery from girly to sports vintage for our boy Rome. We made a lot of progress in the playroom (although not totally finished). Added storage solutions everywhere for toys and baby supplies (cabinets, baskets and boxes!). And we refreshed our living room, adding new window treatments, pillows, rug, etc.
As I think about what I’d like to set as home project goals this year, I’m not going to put pressure on myself to get it all done. Having 2 under 2 is busy enough! But, I’d love to still put this list out in the universe with the hopes that I can prioritize and make some progress against it. (And some of these I’m carrying over from last year’s list!)
1. Our Back Yard
To say our yard was neglected last year is an understatement. With Rome arriving in August, and Saylor being under 1, we did not have the capacity to take on yard work on top of their room changes going on in the Spring-Summer. This year, we’re hoping to improve our lawn with a sprinkler system, do some landscaping, update our string lights with planters we DIY’d in 2020 (link to post) and update some of the patio furniture to make it our cute little oasis that the kids can enjoy too.
Photo from when we first installed the patio and lights!:
2. The Playroom
Saylor LOVES her playroom. We made so much progress on it last year, like customizing this IKEA kitchen set (link to post). But it’s not 100% finished – most of the right wall is blank. I want to really finish it out this year!
3. Dining Room Updates
I always loved our dining room, but my design style has been evolving over the last couple years and a couple pieces in here feel dated. The fireplace: It’s currently shiplap but to bring it to life again, I’m thinking maybe a plaster finish over it and a slightly darker stain for the mantel. This is a fireplace design I really love:
Source: https://pin.it/W5ZYajT
& the orb chandelier in here. Very modern farmhouse but I want to bring it to something more transitional / traditional. Keeping a look out !
4. The Living Room TV Wall
Now that we have a Frame TV and new media console, I’ve been wanted to do something playful with this wall to make it more impactful. Trimwork would be beautiful! More to come.
I’m excited to get started and bring you along on the journey. xx